¿How do we mark the difference?

  • We are a Colombian non-governmental organization established in 1998 with the chief aim of promoting formal education, non-formal and popular for children, adults in vulnerable conditions, and people around the world.
  • We invest in social projects from the educative area taking all professionals to develop it. Furthermore, developing social projects without social exclusion but prioritizing children, youth, female head housework, and elderly.
  • We are providers of social processes. The economic benefits received through our services are reinvesting in vulnerable people (children, youth, female head housework, and elderly).
  • We manage food aids for children, youth, the elderly, breastfeeding women, displaced people, and general.
  • Although we have a job, cultural, entertainment, rehabilitation, health, house, finance, gender equity, and environmental projects to motivate the development in our region.


The FUNDACIÓN SOCIAL PEREA has the vision of being a national and internationally recognized foundation for its educative services and its management with community social projects in the department of Choco, Colombia.

The FUNDACIÓN SOCIAL PEREA has the mission of provide educative spaces from Choco, Colombia to promote equal opportunities without limited distance.





We provide personalized attention for all our students, users, communities, and people of virtual way and distance where they can become a volunteer with office IT tools (from home) and gain Laboral certificate experience.


At any moment of the year, they can study with us. Our attention will be trustable and opportune. Only they have to complete the requirements to access our formation programs.

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